Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Air Sharing application from the App Store

For a period of 2 Weeks the application "Air Sharing" will be for free in iPhone app store.

Looks like a nice solution for viewing locally stored files. Can be mounted over network (wifi) for fetching / putting files on the iPhone.

So I'm going to alter my previous scripts to download to this applications storage directories. In practice this will mean not having multiple apps for viewing audio & video.

Altered scripts are here for podget and ipl2iph. (fixed the initial folders bug)

As usual copy to /usr/bin/ with permissions of 0777 and run as root.

Requirements are again handled by Cydia and Air Sharing app is manditory (grab it from iTunes while its free).


Anonymous said...

Cheers for this fl3tch - works great when out and about, I tried using the iplayer-dl ruby script but much slicker this way.
One note - with the new air sharing version I need to create the Air Sharing/Documents/Video folder myself before it would work..

fl3tch said...

oops - sorry kes, coffee must have wore off by then....

This is what happens when you have no beta testers.

I'll put up an altered script shortly..

Thanks for the feedback

Gavin Birmingham said...

installed your latest ipl2iph script to replace the old one for mx tube. However I'm getting an error message in terminal that says

line 145: sudo: command not found

Any ideas on how to fix it.

I'm no programmer but i really love this iplayer function and would to use it in air sharing.



facebook developer said...

is that application able to install in IPHONE OR ANDROID ??