Sunday, 28 September 2008

Air Sharing update

Air Sharing got an update - and screwed the pooch for my scripts, they changed the name of the app to have no spaces in the title so the download folders got screwed .

Minor fix for podget and ipl2iph for updated air sharing only.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Air Sharing application from the App Store

For a period of 2 Weeks the application "Air Sharing" will be for free in iPhone app store.

Looks like a nice solution for viewing locally stored files. Can be mounted over network (wifi) for fetching / putting files on the iPhone.

So I'm going to alter my previous scripts to download to this applications storage directories. In practice this will mean not having multiple apps for viewing audio & video.

Altered scripts are here for podget and ipl2iph. (fixed the initial folders bug)

As usual copy to /usr/bin/ with permissions of 0777 and run as root.

Requirements are again handled by Cydia and Air Sharing app is manditory (grab it from iTunes while its free).

Monday, 8 September 2008

New script for BBC podcasts

The BBC have been kind enough to supply podcasts online for iphone users for some time.

Previously I have used the wonderful MobileCast for downloading podcasts on the fly i.e. without iTunes syncing. But again post 2.0 MobileCast is yet to resurface.

In the meantime I've put together another script for downloading BBC podcasts - this time using the new dTunes app to play the file (credits to Richard Shearman

Procedure is as follows:

On the iPhone visit the BBC podcast site for iPhone

Look up your required podcast and allow it to play for a second or so...

Quit from Safari and launch Terminal...

run the new script (podget) as root...

Once the script completes you should find the new podcast available to play under dTunes.

download the script from here, as usual install to /usr/bin/ with permissions of 0777.
(Cydia is a pre-requisite for auto installation of required files, otherwise dTunes & wget must be installed for functionality)

enjoy ... I'll stick a video up when I'm not doing what I'm paid to do.